Scientists believe they may have discovered a message from
someone out there. It has only ever been recorded once and
since then thousands of people around the world have turned to
the sky for messages from alien races.
Now you can help out in the search for aliens by joining
SETI. All you have to do is visit their website by clicking on
the banner above. Then you will need to download a
screensaver. Before you think, oh screen savers are just there
to use up my Ram for no good reason, stop. This screen saver
is a program that when activated is sent information from the
seti site for it to check. The information sent is radio
telescope data and it checks to see if any messages have been sent by anyone
out there. You can watch it work and you can personally see if
their is a message but you can't hear it before you get
excited. Once your computer has gone through the information
you are given, the program then collects another set downloaded from the seti site. Who knows, you
may be the first person ever to make contact with an alien
race!. Not only is this exciting to do but you are also
helping out a scientific cause. Also if you want to you can
donate money, become a corporate sponsor or just link to
their website. Check this site out NOW and discover a hidden
alien message.